The DNA Cytosine Deaminase APOBEC3B is a Molecular Determinant of Platinum Responsiveness in Clear Cell Ovarian Cancer

Purpose:. Clear cell ovarian carcinoma (CCOC) is an aggressive disease that often demonstrates resistance to standard chemotherapies. Approximately 25% of patients with CCOC show a strong APOBEC mutation signature. Here, we determine which APOBEC3 enzymes are expressed in CCOC, establish clinical correlates, and identify a new biomarker for detection and intervention.Experimental Designs:. APOBEC3 expression was analyzed by IHC and qRT-PCR in a pilot set of CCOC specimens (n = 9 tumors). The IHC analysis of APOBEC3B was extended to a larger cohort to identify clinical correlates (n = 48). Dose-response experiments with platinum-based drugs in CCOC cell lines and carboplatin treatment of patient-derived xenografts (PDXs) were done to address mechanistic linkages.Results:. One DNA deaminase, APOBEC3B, is overexpressed in a formidable subset of CCOC tumors and is low or absent in normal ovarian and fallopian tube epithelial tissues. High APOBEC3B expression associates with improved progression-free survival (P = 0.026) and moderately with overall survival (P = 0.057). Cell-based studies link APOBEC3B activity and subsequent uracil processing to sensitivity to cisplatin and carboplatin. PDX studies extend this mechanistic relationship to CCOC tissues.Conclusions:. These studies demonstrate that APOBEC3B is overexpressed in a subset of CCOC and, contrary to initial expectations, associated with improved (not worse) clinical outcomes. A likely molecular explanation is that APOBEC3B-induced DNA damage sensitizes cells to additional genotoxic stress by cisplatin. Thus, APOBEC3B is a molecular determinant and a candidate predictive biomarker of the therapeutic response to platinum-based chemotherapy. These findings may have broader translational relevance, as APOBEC3B is overexpressed in many different cancer types.
Funding Information
  • National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (UL1TR002494)
  • Minnesota Ovarian Cancer Alliance (P01-CA234228)
  • Minnesota Ovarian Cancer Alliance (P50-CA136393)
  • Minnesota Ovarian Cancer Alliance (R01-GM130800)
  • MCJ (T32 CA009138)
  • BKE (K12 HD055887)