Two Cases of Recalcitrant Chronic Rhinosinusitis Treated with Endoscopic Maxillary Mega-Antrostomy in Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia

Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) results in several characteristic clinical symptoms, including chronic pansinusitis, recurrent infections of the respiratory tract, and infertility. Concerning the rhinologic aspect, medical therapy mainly involving a combination of long-term antimicrobial agents and intranasal steroid sprays can control sinusitis in the majority of cases. But, there are no definite treatment guidelines for recalcitrant chronic sinusitis with PCD. Recently, we examined a 28-year-old male with serous otitis effusion, chronic sinusitis, and bronchiectasis, and a 4-year-old female with chronic sinusitis and serous otitis effusion. We confirmed PCD by electron microscopy and endoscopic maxillary mega-antrostomy was performed in both cases for the treatment of chronic sinusitis that was refractory to conservative management.