Modeling Rabies Transmission in Spatially Heterogeneous Environments via $$\theta $$-diffusion

Rabies among dogs remains a considerable risk to humans and constitutes a serious public health concern in many parts of the world. Conventional mathematical models for rabies typically assume homogeneous environments, with a standard diffusion term for the population of rabid animals. It has recently been recognized, however, that spatial heterogeneity plays an important role in determining spatial patterns of rabies and the cost-effectiveness of vaccinations. In this paper, we develop a spatially heterogeneous dog rabies model by using the \(\theta \)-diffusion equation, where \(\theta \) reflects the way individual dogs make movement decisions in the underlying random walk. We numerically investigate the dynamics of the model in three diffusion cases: homogeneous, city-wild, and Gaussian-type. We find that the initial conditions affect whether traveling waves or epizootic waves can be observed. However, different initial conditions have little impact on steady-state solutions. An “active” interface is observed between city and wild regions, with a “ridge” on the city side and a “valley” on the wild side for the infectious dog population. In addition, the progressing speed of epizootic waves changes in heterogeneous environments. It is impossible to eliminate rabies in the entire spatial domain if vaccination is focused only in the city region or only in the wild region. When a seasonal transmission is incorporated, the dog population size approaches a positive time-periodic spatially heterogeneous state eventually.
Funding Information
  • NSERC Discovery Grant (RGPIN-2020-03911)
  • NSERC Accelerator Grant (RGPAS-2020-00090)
  • NSERC (RGPIN 05395 Li)

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