Room-temperature skyrmion phase in bulk Cu 2 OSeO 3 under high pressures

A skyrmion state in a noncentrosymmetric helimagnet displays topologically protected spin textures with profound technological implications for high-density information storage, ultrafast spintronics, and effective microwave devices. Usually, its equilibrium state in a bulk helimagnet occurs only over a very restricted magnetic field–temperature phase space and often in the low-temperature region near the magnetic transition temperature Tc. We have expanded and enhanced the skyrmion phase region from the small range of 55 to 58.5 K to 5 to 300 K in single-crystalline Cu2OSeO3 by pressures up to 42.1 GPa through a series of phase transitions from the cubic P213, through orthorhombic P212121 and monoclinic P21, and finally to the triclinic P1 phase, using our newly developed ultrasensitive high-pressure magnetization technique. The results are in agreement with our Ginzburg–Landau free energy analyses, showing that pressures tend to stabilize the skyrmion states and at higher temperatures. The observations also indicate that the skyrmion state can be achieved at higher temperatures in various crystal symmetries, suggesting the insensitivity of skyrmions to the underlying crystal lattices and thus the possible more ubiquitous presence of skyrmions in helimagnets. Significance Skyrmion materials hold great promise for information technology due to the extremely low current needed to modify the spin configurations and the small size of magnetic domains. To facilitate their application, one great challenge is to break the magnetic field–temperature phase space restriction for the skyrmion state. We found that the temperature region for the skyrmion phase in bulk Cu2OSeO3 can be greatly enhanced under physical pressure, making applications more practical by the use of strained heterostructures, for example. The observation of additional structures suggests that the skyrmion state may be insensitive to the underlying crystal structure. This work will stimulate research on finding skyrmion materials with different crystal structures and retaining the room-temperature skyrmion state at ambient condition.
Funding Information
  • DOD | USAF | AFMC | Air Force Office of Scientific Research (FA9550-15-1-0236)
  • Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (MOST 106-2112-M-110-013-MY3)
  • DOE | SC | Basic Energy Sciences (de-sc0010526)