Tunnelling based birefringent rotary photon dragging through induced chiral medium

The control and modification of divergence angle and birefringent rotary photon drags under the effect of quantum tunnelling is investigated in this article. The circularly birefringence divergence angle θd and rotary photon dragging have modified with the strength of tunnelling frequencies. The left and right circularly polarized beams shows superluminality of group velocities 150 and 50 and divergence angle of 0:050 radian per increment of tunnelling frequency. The maximum of rotary photon drags for both the beam is measured 2 micro radian with fractional change of 2%. The output pulses intensities show uniform undistorted shapes with tunnelling frequencies and no energy losses. The results could have signiflcant applications in the flelds of quantum optics, photonics, plasmonics and special mode imaging coding technology.

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