Electrochemical Long Period Fiber Grating Sensing for Electroactive Species

We present an electrochemical long period fiber grating (LPFG) sensor for electroactive species with an optically transparent electrode. The sensor was fabricated by coating indium tin oxide onto the surface of LPFG using a polygonal barrel-sputtering method. LPFG was produced by an electric arc-induced technique. The sensing is based on change in the detec-tion of electron density on the electrode surface during potential application and its reduction by electrochemical redox of analytes. Four typical electroactive species of methylene blue, hexaammineruthenium(III), ferrocyanide and ferrocenedi-methanol were used to investigate the sensor performance. The concentrations of analytes were determined by the modula-tion of the potential as the change in transmittance around the resonance band of LPFG. The sensitivity of the sensor, par-ticularly to methylene blue, was high, and the sensor responded to a wide concentration range of 0.001 mM to 1 mM.
Funding Information
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JP16H02976)