Less-Lethal Weapons Resulting in Ophthalmic Injuries: A Review and Recent Example of Eye Trauma

Introduction Prior reports have highlighted the dangers of crowd control weapons such as rubber bullets, paintball guns, and pepper spray. Many of these reports were written decades ago and outside of the USA. We summarize a review of the literature and discuss a contemporary case of a ruptured globe and facial trauma secondary to a projectile weapon. This case serves to highlight the severity of eye trauma caused by less-lethal weapons; severe morbidity or even mortality can occur. Clinical Description A civilian presented after a projectile weapon reportedly fired by Denver law enforcement struck his face during one of the recent protests in May 2020 in Denver. Upon ophthalmic examination, we observed no light perception (NLP) vision, periorbital ecchymosis, and devastating globe trauma. Primary Diagnosis, Interventions, and Outcomes Further examination revealed a severely ruptured globe with extensive hemorrhage and extrusion of intraocular contents. Attempts to repair the ruptured globe failed because of the lack of remaining scleral tissue and expulsion of intraocular contents. Postoperatively, the visual acuity remained NLP and the eye was unable to hold pressure. Subsequently, the patient elected for enucleation. Conclusion Despite the purported safety advancements of less-lethal weapons, we continue to see high levels of morbidity and mortality. Permanent vision loss, loss of the eye, and death caused by these weapons have been reported. We hope that this information will serve as an example to help promote judicious use of these weapons by the proper authorities. Additionally, protesters and bystanders should be aware of these dangers and utilize high-quality eye protection.