Conversation by the Water well. How to Speak of Fidelity to the Postmodern Emotivist

The encounter of Christ with the Samaritan woman is the paradigm of the conversion of the Christian subject begin with the revelation of the mystery of the heart of man that is illuminated by the sponsal love of Jesus. Thus the human desire meant by thirst, meets the original source of God's gift that offers a new horizon of live. This is the journey that the Lord wants to take with each man and that offers us the guide to prepare young people for marriage, as Pope Francis indicates in Amoris laetitia (n. 294). In our culture this means overcoming the emotivism of "believe that we are good simply because "we feel good"" (AL, n. 145). The article offers an itinerary where we can see the steps of the revelation of the sponsal love that leads to sufficient maturity for a true gift of self.