From theory to practice: implementing a standardized, interactive education session on oral anticancer medication (OAM) for patients and their caregivers

Purpose Self-administration at home and decreased visits to see health care professionals bring patients on oral anticancer medication (OAM) and their caregivers to become experts in handling medication, managing adverse events, and making sure that they adhere to treatment. This project aimed to implement a standardized education group session for patients starting an OAM regimen and their caregivers that would build new knowledge, validate comprehension of information, increase satisfaction, and empower participants in self-management. Materials and methods A group session led by an oncology nurse was developed. The theoretical section consisted of short videos that include both verbal and visual explanations. The practical component consisted of quizzes with electronic recordings and instant answers.Turning Pointtechnology was used to compile and analyze the data. Results Over a 2-year period, 124 patients and 79 caregivers participated in the group sessions. More than 111 h were saved by giving standardized group sessions instead of individual teachings. The participants' level of confidence regarding the essential concepts to master significantly increased following the group sessions. The results ranged from 18% of participants who answered 4 or 5 on a five-point Likert-type scale before the session to 100% who answered 4 or 5 after the group session. 94% of participants responded with a rating of 4 or 5 when asked if they were satisfied with the overall interactive group session. Conclusion It is crucial that caregivers participate in the initial OAM teaching. The involvement of the interdisciplinary team was crucial in meeting the informational needs of patients. A standardized group session accessible for viewing and use by all health care professionals and patients simplifies the process of sharing high-quality learning materials in a technological society.
Funding Information
  • Novartis Pharma
  • Pfizer Canada