Heavy fermion behaviour of the cerium-filled skutterudites and

The low temperature properties of polycrystalline samples of the filled skutterudites and , as well as the unfilled skutterudites and , have been investigated by means of electrical resistivity, specific heat and magnetic susceptibility measurements. The resistivity of exhibits a rather abrupt drop-off with decreasing temperature near 100 K; this drop-off temperature increases with increasing applied hydrostatic pressure, which is reminiscent of the onset of coherence in so-called Kondo lattice materials. The compounds and exhibit values of the electronic specific heat coefficient and Pauli susceptibility at low temperature which are enhanced over those of the lanthanum-filled and unfilled skutterudites. These quantities yield a Wilson ratio of order unity, which indicates that they both correspond to the properties of itinerant electrons. These transport, magnetic and thermodynamic properties suggest a moderately heavy fermion ground state in and .