Simultaneous uptake of N2O and cyclopropane in man as a test of compartment model

An experiment involving simultaneous pulmonary uptake of nitrous oxide and cyclopropane is analyzed for compatibility with the perfusion-limited multicompartment model of inert gas uptake. These test gases have approximately equal solubilities in body watery tissues (blood, muscle, viscera, etc.) but an approximately 1-to-8 ratio of solubility in fat. Therefore, the measured difference in time course of pulmonary uptake provides a sensitive test of the mechanism of adipose tissue uptake of these gases. The experimental data could not be accounted for by the model, assuming plausible compartment parameters, or by using derived compartment parameters. Expansions of the model to account for the discrepancy are suggested. gas uptake in body; fat-soluble gas uptake; multiple gas uptake; fat perfusion; adipose tissue perfusion; blood flow to fat; perfusion of fat; inert gas kinetics; tissue gas exchanges Submitted on February 3, 1964

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