Agenesis of the vermis with fusion of the cerebellar hemispheres, septo-optic dysplasia and associated anomalies

Agenesis of the cerebellar vermis with fusion of the dentate nuclei and cerebellar hemispheres (rhombencephalosynapsis) is a rare cerebral malformation. We report the case of a 7-h-old girl whose mother had taken the drug phencyclidine during the first 6 weeks of pregnancy. Absence of the septum pellucidum, hypoplasia of the commissural system, optic nerves, chiasm and tracts, moderate hydrocephalus, and agenesis of the posterior lobe of the pituitary were also found. Extracranial congenital anomalies involved the cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary, and musculoskeletal systems. Death was secondary to severe respiratory distress and bradycardia. The literature concerning this rare form of cerebellar malformation is reviewed.