The cardiovascular risk factor profile in the study area Augsburg. Results from the first MONICA survey 1984/85

The main objective of the first survey was the investigation of the prevalence and distribution of hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and cigarette smoking in the study area. The data-collection phase lasted from October 1984 to May 1985. A two-stage cluster sample of 5312 persons of German nationality was drawn from a population of 282,279 inhabitants, aged 25-64. The data were gathered through interview, physical examination and self-administered questionnaire. A response of 79% was achieved. Sixteen percent of men and 10% of women had high blood pressure (BP) values (greater than or equal to 160/95 mmHg). Only 16% of male and 34% of female hypertensives had controlled BP values. The prevalence of hypercholesterolemia (greater than or equal to 6.72 mmol/L = greater than or equal to 260 mg/dl) was 26% in men and 22% in women. Forty percent of men and 22% of women reported they were current cigarette smokers. Among participants, aged 25-44, cigarette smoking was the most prevalent risk factor in men and women. Thirty-seven percent of men and 52% of women, aged 25-64, had none of the three major risk factors.