Author''s concluding remarks: "The only 2 gastrointestinal hormones which may be considered to be fully established both by demonstration of endogenous release physiologically and by demonstration of the activity of mucosal extracts are secretin and cholecystokinin. For gastrin, pancreozymin and enterogastrone the evidence is strong but not, conclusive. The physiologic demonstration of gastrin is conclusive but the work on extracts requires further confirmation and extension. In the case of pancreozymin both the physiologic and tissue extract studies are convincing but require further confirmation. For enterogastrone the physiologic studies are conclusive but the motor inhibitory principle has not yet been demonstrated in tissue extracts. Urogastrone and anthelone are biological extracts and no physiologic role for them is yet evident. Duocrinin has both physiologic studies and tissue extract work supporting its existence but these require confirmation. The physiologic evidence for enterocrinin is inconclusive and the work with extracts is unconfirmed. There is only suggestive evidence for the existence of other gastrointestinal hormones. 482 references.