Risk factors for Haemobartonella felis infection in cats

A seroepidemiologic survey for Haemobartonella felis infection in cats of Wake County, NC was undertaken. To help assess risk factors, cat owners completed a 10-item questionnaire. Additionally, blood samples were obtained for determination of H fells presence, FeLV infection, and anemia. Prevalence rates for H felis presence were as follows:all cats, 4.9% (61123); healthy cats, 3.6% (3/83); and ill cats, 7.5% (3/40). The estimated relative risk for haemobartonellosis was also increased in cats with any of the following: anemia, FeLV-positive status, lack of vaccinations, history of catbite abscesses and/or anemia, age ≤ 3 years, or outdoor-roaming status. The sex, breed, number of cats in the household, or presence of fleas were not significant factors, although ill male cats had a greater estimated relative risk for haemobartonellosis. A seroepidemiologic survey for Haemobartonella felis infection in cats of Wake County, NC was undertaken. To help assess risk factors, cat owners completed a 10-item questionnaire. Additionally, blood samples were obtained for determination of H fells presence, FeLV infection, and anemia. Prevalence rates for H felis presence were as follows:all cats, 4.9% (61123); healthy cats, 3.6% (3/83); and ill cats, 7.5% (3/40). The estimated relative risk for haemobartonellosis was also increased in cats with any of the following: anemia, FeLV-positive status, lack of vaccinations, history of catbite abscesses and/or anemia, age ≤ 3 years, or outdoor-roaming status. The sex, breed, number of cats in the household, or presence of fleas were not significant factors, although ill male cats had a greater estimated relative risk for haemobartonellosis.