DESPITE an abundant literature devoted to pigmentary disturbances of the skin and to cutaneous neoplasms, scant attention has been directed to the subject of lentigines, and yet these hyperpigmented dermal lesions are very common and occasionally undergo malignant changes. A résumé of current knowledge pertaining to the usual type of lentigo is presented here as an introduction to the special topic of lentigo senilis. LENTIGO Lentigines are light to dark brown macules or maculopapules with a smooth surface, usually round, oval or sometimes slightly irregular in shape and varying in size from 1 to 6 or 8 mm. in diameter. Brown1 showed that newborn infants are free of lentigines. These lesions develop most commonly in the third year or later and increase in number with age up to about 20 years, after which the count gradually decreases. They are most numerous on the face and neck, chest,