The opt. conditions of the exps. devised by Bodnar [1925] were investigated in order to increase the amt. of organic P compounds formed from added inorganic phosphate by pea preparations in the presence of toluene, without any extra carbohydrate. The method of separation of the phosphorylated products is descr. These compounds are phosphorylated derivatives of the sugars. The greatest part, over 90% of the esterified P, has been identified as the Harden-Young ester, l:6-diphospho-fructofuranose. The monophosphate complex has been separated from the other fractions and purified by means of the brucine salt. The pure monophosphate resembled the Robison ester but had a somewhat lower dextro-rotation and there was some evidence that this was due to fructose-1-phosphate. Another difficultly hydrolysable non-aldose ester was present and is being further investigated. The presence of phosphohexokinase in the pea preparations has been demonstrated; this enzyme converts fructose-6-phosphate into a mixture of 62% aldose- and 38% non-aldose-esters.