Comparison of Sucrose and Glucose in the Oral Electrolyte Therapy of Cholera and Other Severe Diarrheas

Oral glucose electrolyte solution is now established as simple, effective and relatively inexpensive fluid-replacement therapy1 2 3 4 5 for severe diarrheal disease, the leading cause of morbidity in the developing world. Cholera, the illness with most massive stool loss, has been treated successfully with oral solution in the hospital as well as in the field situation,6 , 7 and in children8 9 10 as well as in adults. The electrolyte components (table salt, sodium bicarbonate and a potassium salt) are cheap, available and easily stored. Glucose, which is necessary to promote intestinal absorption of sodium and concomitantly of water,11 is relatively expensive and may not be available . . .