Pineal response after pyridoxine test in children

To characterize the pineal response to pyridoxine, plasma melatonin was measured in one hundred and twenty children 3 hours after vitamin B6 administration. The children, aged between 1.5 and 8 years, were divided in four groups as follows: a) control day group, grouping 27 children sampled at 9:00 and at 12:00; b) control night group, grouping 29 children sampled at 21:00 and at 24:00; c) pyridoxine day group, grouping 30 children sampled at 9:00, then intravenously (i.v.) injected with 3mg/kg of pyridoxine, and sampled at 12:00; and d) pyridoxine night group, grouping 34 children sampled at 21:00, i.v. injected with 3mg/kg of pyridoxine, and sampled at 24:00. Melatonin concentration was measured by radioimmuno assay. The data obtained showed a significant increase in melatonin levels after pyridoxine administration in the pyridoxine night group (39.87 ± 8.02pg/ml basal vs 88.45 ± 9.21 pg/ml after pyridoxine, p < 0.001). The other groups did not showed significant differences in melatonin concentrations. Statistical analysis shows that the administration of pyridoxine during the nocturnal hours represents a stimulating factor to increase the pineal production of melatonin in children.