Temperature, Leaf Wetness, and Isolate Effects on Infection of Minneola Tangelo Leaves by Alternaria sp.

Alternaria brown spot causes necrotic lesions on immature leaves, twigs, and fruit of tangerines and their hybrids, reducing yield and fruit quality. The effect of temperature, leaf wetness, and isolate was evaluated in an in vitro system using immature detached leaves of Minneola tangelo Infection was greatest at 27°C, decreased gradually as the temperature declined to 24, 20, and 17°C, and dropped sharply at 32°C. Levels of infection were low at 4 and 8 h of leaf wetness and continued to increase with longer wetting periods up to 36 h. A polynomial equation was developed that provided a good fit for the data (adjusted R2 = 0.93). Isolates differed in aggressiveness, but there was no significant difference among isolates in their response to temperature and leaf wetness duration.