Cyclotron Targets: Preparation and Radiochemical Separation. III. Na22

Two methods for separating Na22 from magnesium cyclotron targets are described. The first is a direct precipitation of NaMg(UO2)3(C2H3O2)9·6H2O or NaZn(UO2)3(C2H3O2)9·6H2O from an acetic acid solution of the target utilizing the normal sodium contamination of the magnesium for carrier. This is effective for as little as 1 mg Na in 5 g of Mg. If the sodium contamination is too small for precipitation, the bulk of the magnesium can be removed as Mg(NH4)2(CO3)2·4H2O which does not carry sodium. Deuteron excitation functions for Mg26(d,α)Na24 and Mg24(d,α)Na22 and thick target yields for the two sodium isotopes are given. The maximum values of the cross sections are σNa24=0.095×10−24 cm2 at 8.5 Mev and σNa22=0.16×10−24 at 9.5 Mev. With 14‐Mev deuterons the thick target yields are Na24=8.7rdah and Na22=65mrdah.