Multivariate analysis by the minimum spanning tree method of the structural determinants of diphenylethylenes and triphenylacrylonitriles implicated in estrogen receptor binding, protein kinase C activity, and MCF7 cell proliferation

The response profiles of 36 para-substituted diphenylethylenes (DPEs) and triphenylacrylonitriles (TPEs) have been compared by multivariate analysis. The responses measured were (a) relative binding affinity (RBA) for the cytosol estrogen receptor (ER), (b) ability to promote the growth of the human MCF7 breast cancer cell-line, (c) cytotoxicity in MCF7 cells, and (d) ability to stimulate or inhibit protein kinase C (PKC) III activity under three different conditions of enzyme activation. The prime object of the analysis was to observe the simultaneous influence of diverse combinations of substituents on all these in vitro responses. To do this, the minimum spanning tree (MST) method was used to organize the molecules into a network in which proximate molecules are closely related with regard to their responses whereas remote molecules are distinct. The MST of this population of molecules had four main branches. E2 and its TPE mime were located in a central position within the trunk whereas the tips of the branches tended toward molecules of different specificity, i.e., cytotoxic molecules that bind to ER and interfere with PKC, noncytotoxic molecules that also bind to ER and interfere with PKC but promote cell growth, molecules only active on PKC, and molecules active on all parameters except PKC stimulation. A parallel MST analysis of the relationships among the response parameters themselves confirmed previous conclusions: For this population of molecules, RBAs for ER are fairly closely related to ability to promote MCF7 cell growth and only little to cytotoxicity (Bignon et al. J. Med. Chem. 1989, 32, 2092). Cytotoxicity is much more clearly correlated with inhibition of diacylglycerol-stimulated PKC activity than with RBAs for ER. PKC inhibition differs substantially depending upon whether the substrate is H1 histone or protamine sulfate.