Lck Regulates the Threshold of Activation in Primary T Cells, While both Lck and Fyn Contribute to the Magnitude of the Extracellular Signal-Related Kinase Response

The src family kinases p56lck (Lck) and p59fyn (Fyn) are the most proximal signaling molecules to be activated downstream of the T-cell receptor. Using an inducible transgenic model, we can regulate the expression of Lck in primary T cells and ask how the signaling cascade and differentiation potential are affected by the absence or the presence of reduced levels of Lck. We show that in naïve T cells, Lck controls the threshold of activation by preferentially regulating multiple signaling pathways that result in the mobilization of Ca2+ through activation of phospholipase C-gamma and protein kinase C as well as activation of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)/mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. Fyn is also able to stimulate the ERK/MAPK pathway in primary T cells but has little influence on the mobilization of Ca2+. Only Lck efficiently stimulates production of diacylglycerol and therefore RasGRP1 recruitment to the plasma membrane and phosphorylation of Shc, suggesting that Fyn activates ERK via a different upstream signaling route. Finally, we show that signals through Lck are essential for the development of T-cell-effector potential, particularly for effective cytokine transcription.