Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Insecticides

THE PHYSICIAN, faced with an actual or potential case of intoxication from excessive absorption of an insecticide, may require guidance in the diagnosis and treatment of this relatively uncommon but potentially fatal condition. This brief note is intended only as such a guide to the management of poisoning arising from exposure to chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides; more detailed discussions of the subject are available from a number of sources.1-5 The most commonly used chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides are listed in the Table. All of these materials may be absorbed through ingestion and inhalation, most of them can be absorbed percutaneously when they are in solution, and with at least one, dieldrin, absorption through the intact skin can occur from contact with the dry form. Diagnosis In all cases in which this type of intoxication is suspected, every effort should be made to obtain the label from the original container of the