Nif-hybrids of enterobacter: Selection for nif gene integration with chlorate

The nif gene group from Klebsiella can be transferred into Enterobacter cloacae by conjugation using Escherichia coli donor cells carrying the composite self-transmissible nif-plasmid pRD1. A small fraction of the hybrids obtained is stable upon prolonged passaging without selection. Their stability is due to integration of pRD1 into the chromosome. Such integration hybrids were chlorate resistant, and nitrate reductase negative, which indicated that integration preferentially occurred within one of the genes for the production or functioning of this enzyme. Chlorate resistance could, therefore, be used to select for additional nitrate reductase-negative sublines with pRD1 in their chromosome. Such sublines have been analyzed further for the presence of nif genes, other pRD1 markers, and for stability. In all except one the complete plasmid seems to have been integrated. Some tend to revert to nitrate utilisation (chlorate sensitivity).