Ordered phases of itinerant Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya magnets and their electronic properties

A field theory appropriate for magnets that display helical order due to the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya mechanism, a class that includes MnSi and FeGe, is used to derive the phase diagram in a mean-field approximation. The helical phase, the conical phase in an external magnetic field, and recent proposals for the structure of the A phase and the non-Fermi-liquid region in the paramagnetic phase are discussed. It is shown that the orientation of the helical pitch vector along an external magnetic field within the conical phase occurs via two distinct phase transitions. The Goldstone modes that result from the long-range order in the various phases are determined, and their consequences for electronic properties, in particular, the specific heat, the single-particle relaxation time, and the electrical and thermal conductivities, are derived. Various aspects of the ferromagnetic limit, and qualitative differences between the transport properties of helimagnets and ferromagnets, are also discussed. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.82.134427 © 2010 The American Physical Society