The Spinal Awareness and Prevention Programme presented through the Royal North Shore Hospital and the Royal Rehabilitation Centre, in Sydney, NSW, Australia has grown considerably since 1982. Ten years later it is pleasing to report that the programme has grown in response to public demand and requires a full time coordinator, secretary and five disabled lecturers (part time). This prevention message now reaches over 100,000 school students throughout New South Wales every year as well as the community in general through media advertising. Over the last 5 years the annual incidence of spinal cord injury has dropped by 20% in New South Wales for motor vehicle accidents, contact sport and water related accidents. The 'lifetime' costs for paraplegia approach AUS$1,000,000 and for quadriplegia AUS$2,000,000. The reduction of serious spinal injuries means that at least 20 families in this State, with a population of nearly 6 million, will not this year have to face the tragedy and enormous challenge of permanent paralysis. There is now commitment to the promotion of prevention of spinal cord injuries. The annual cost of this programme to each individual in the community is less than 10 cents.