Projections of cells located near principal nuclei of the superior olive, periolivary cells, were studied by injecting horseradish peroxidase or fluorescent tracers into the cochlea, cochlear nucleus, and inferior colliculus. At least two distinct cytological classes of periolivary cells were found to project to each of these structures. “Large” and “small” olivocochlear cells were labelled. Their cytology and locations were found to be as had been previously described. Some olivocochlear cells also project to the cochlear nucleus. Other major periolivary cell classes that project to the cochlear nucleus include a lateral group of multipolar cells whose members are located around the ipsilateral lateral superior olive and have coarse, darkly staining Nissl substance. The other major periolivary cell class that projects to the cochlear nucleus is the small cell of the ventral nucleus of the trapezoid body. This cell is characterized by its size and by only one or two intensely staining clumps of Nissl substance. Projections of these cells to the cochlear nucleus is from both sides. Periolivary cells that project to the inferior colliculus include medial and lateral groups. Cells of the lateral group project from both sides. These cells are multipolar in shape and contain lightly staining, floccu‐lent Nissl substance. They are predominantly located immediately ventral to the lateral superior olive. Projections from the medial group are predominantly ipsilateral and arise from the region medial to the medial superior olive. The cells are multipolar and contain clumped Nissl substance. They often lie near “large” olivocochlear cells, which they resemble in Nissl material, but are distinguished from the latter in Protargol material by having ring‐type axosomatic endings. The appearance and locations of these six classes of periolivary cells make it possible to recognize them in nonexperi‐mental material and to infer with confidence what their projections are. These results show considerable organization of these previously little understood structures.