Axons of the adult mammalian CNS typically fail to regenerate after injury. Among the hypotheses to account for this failure is the proposition that certain axonal proteins necessary for axon growth are expressed in much greater abundance in developing than in mature neurons, and that these proteins are not reinduced after injury to mature axons (Skene and Willard, 1981b). In the present experiments, we have found that hamster pyramidal tract neurons synthesize an acidic, 43K protein that is transported into growing axons during the first 2 weeks of postnatal development, and then declines at least an order of magnitude by the fourth postnatal week. The decline in synthesis of the 43K protein coincides with the cessation of pyramidal tract axon elongation. This protein resembles a “growth-associated protein,” GAP- 43, which is induced during regeneration of CNS axons in lower vertebrates. The 43K protein in hamster pyramidal tract neurons is not reinduced after axotomy in adult animals, which correlates with the failure of the injured axons to regenerate. Injury to neonatal pyramidal tract axons does not reverse or delay the decline in 43K protein synthesis. This is consistent with previous findings (Kalil and Reh, 1982) that pyramidal tract axons regrow for only a brief period after neonatal injury. Taken together, these results lend support to the hypothesis that synthesis of GAP-43 is important for axon growth in development and regeneration.