A preliminary comparative analysis of primate segmental duplications shows elevated substitution rates and a great-ape expansion of intrachromosomal duplications

Compared with other sequenced animal genomes, human segmental duplications appear larger, more interspersed, and disproportionately represented as high-sequence identity alignments. Global sequence divergence estimates of human duplications have suggested an expansion relatively recently during hominoid evolution. Based on primate comparative sequence analysis of 37 unique duplication–transition regions, we establish a molecular clock for their divergence that shows a significant increase in their effective substitution rate when compared with unique genomic sequence. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) analyses from 1053 random nonhuman primate BACs indicate that great-ape species have been enriched for interspersed segmental duplications compared with representative Old World and New World monkeys. These findings support computational analyses that show a 12-fold excess of recent (>98%) intrachromosomal duplications when compared with duplications between nonhomologous chromosomes. These architectural shifts in genomic structure and elevated substitution rates have important implications for the emergence of new genes, gene-expression differences, and structural variation among humans and great apes.