Thirty premedicated ASA I or II patients scheduled for minor gynaecological surgery, were randomly allocated to receive either 1.5 mg/kg or 2 mg/kg propofol of the new emulsion formulation, or 4 mg/kg thiopentone, given over 20 seconds. Anaesthesia was successfully induced in all 30 patients. The mean (SEM) induction times were for propofol 1.5 mg/kg 33.3(3.2) seconds, for 2 mg/kg 30.5(2.7) seconds and for thiopentone 34.6(2.7) seconds. The incidence of apnoea greater than 10 seconds, was respectively 60, 80 and 80%, and the mean duration of apnoea 30.8(5.3), 37.1(5.0) and 23.7(5.0) seconds. The mean systolic blood pressure decreased after propofol 1.5 mg/kg by 16.0 mmHg, after 2 mg/kg by 18.6 mmHg, and increased after thiopentone by 1 mmHg, 2 minutes after injection. Heart rate increased significantly 2 minutes after thiopentone by an average of 15.1 beats/minute, but not after propofol. Pain was not reported during or after the injection. No major adverse reactions occurred at induction or during maintenance of anaesthesia with an inhalation agent. One patient who received 2 mg/kg propofol and isoflurane vomited for 24 hours. The recovery of anaesthesia after propofol induction, was quicker than after thiopentone.