Molecular Cloning and Biological Characterization of a Novel Murine Lymphoid Growth Factor

Using a bioassay consisting of the proliferation of a murine B cell line, a cDNA of a gene whose product supports the growth of that cell line was isolated from a thymic stromal cell line. This factor, termed thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP), is a protein of 140 amino acids. The gene encoding TSLP was mapped to murine chromosome 18. Purified recombinant TSLP supported the growth of pre-B cell colonies in vitro, but had no myelopoietic activity. TSLP had comitogenic activity for fetal thymocytes, but was not as potent as interleukin 7 in lobe submersion cultures. Injection of TSLP into neonatal mice induced the expansion of B220+BP-1+ pre-B cells.