Prokoptchouk, in 1940, introduced the use of quinacrine (Atabrine; Mepacrine) for discoid lupus erythematosus,1 and Popoff2 reported similar success. Since the recent report by Page,3 there has been a flurry of confirmatory studies.* One of the patients in Page's series had active systemic lupus, which responded well to 200 mg. of quinacrine daily. In view of this and the fact that there is excellent evidence that systemic lupus erythematosus is a malignant form of the discoid variety, it seemed important to study the use of quinacrine in the generalized form of the disease.‡ Initial studies, in 1952, on three patients with acute systemic lupus erythematosus, using the dose recommended by Page, 200 mg. per day, showed no effect on the disease. The drug was not employed again until further confirmatory reports on its use in the discoid form of the disease appeared. It then seemed that