Inelastic Proton Scattering and (p, d) Reactions in Heavy Elements

A previous study of anomalous inelastic scattering is extended to include heavy elements, higher excitation energies of the final nucleus, and deuterons from (p, d) reactions. The energy distributions of protons inelastically scattered from each of the principle isotopes of lead and from bismuth are very similar; there are seven relatively well-defined groups with the same energy, cross section, and angular distribution. All elements studied with atomic number above 40 have prominent groups with EpEp2.5 Mev. The deuteron energy distributions from (p, d) reactions in Bi and Pb isotopes are very similar (five prominent groups with the same energy and similar cross sections) in spite of differing Q values. There are also strong similarities in the deteron spectra from Au and Pt, and from Pd and Ag.