The idea of removing ureteral calculi by slitting the ureterovesical valve is not new. From the point of view of physiologic surgery, however, the relative value of this valve to the animal economy has not yet been made clear. Alexander Pappa says: "Direct-vision cystoscopy makes it possible for the operator to seize the calculus which shows in the bladder, makes possible also the enlargement of the ureteral meatus and even occasionally the incision of the meatus on the stone which enables it to be liberated." In the discussion of an operation for prolapsed ureter, Albarran states: "The bladder having been opened through a hypogastric incision, one cut of the scissors enabled me to section at once both the upper margins of the ureteral orifice and the bladder wall for the distance of a centimeter." It will be noted that this work was done from above rather than through a cystoscope.