HRM perspectives on addiction to technology and work

Purpose – The aim of this study is an exploration of the behavioural addictions to work (workaholism) and to use of technology (technolophilia), particularly as they overlap in managers' work routines and expectations placed on their employees. Design/methodology/approach – The paper presents a qualitative analysis of managers' comments from structured interviews and focus groups in several countries. Findings – This research culminated in a model of various adaptations to both work pressure and need to use technology in today's business work, including the potential to over-adapt or lapse into a pattern of addiction. Research limitations/implications – The consolidation of multi-disciplinary literature and the framework of the model will serve as a reference points for continuing research on behavioural addictions related to work and technology. Practical implications – Human resource professionals concerned with employee well-being can utilize the components of this model to proactively recognize problems and generate remedies. Specific suggestions are offered to offset undesirable adaptations. Originality/value – This is the first study to focus on the mutually reinforcing addictions to work and use of technology – an important step forward in recognizing the scope of the issue and generating further research with practical application in business world.