Siderosis of lymph nodes in patients with Hodgkin's disease

Lymph nodes removed from 28 untreated patients with Hodgkin's disease all contained markedly increased amounts of hemosiderin, whether or not they were histologically involved in the disease. This finding was particularly striking in patients with the nodular sclerosis type of disease. Abnormal deposits of iron were also noted frequently in lymph nodes containing metastatic carcinoma, lymphoma of non-Hodgkin's type, and reactive hyperplasia, but in each case, with the exception of metastatic squamous cell carcinoma, the amount was significantly less than that seen in Hodgkin's disease. The findings suggest that in patients with Hodgkin's disease and perhaps in those with other disorders in which abnormal tissue retention of iron underlies sideropenic anemia, lymph nodes are an important site of iron retention.

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