Aerobic Power and Related Factors in a Population Study of Men Aged 54

A representative sample of the total population of men born in 1913 in Göteborg, Sweden, was studied in 1967 with determination of oxygen uptake, ventilation, and heart rate at submaximal and maximal exercise on a bicycle ergometer. Average heart rate at 50 per cent of maximal oxygen uptake was 108, and at maximal exercise 172, SD = 10. The average maximal oxygen uptake was 2.30 1/min, SD = 0.37 (30.5 ml/kg × min, SD = 4.1). Exponential equations for predicting maximal oxygen uptake were obtained from an thropometric variables and heart rate at rest, submaximal and maximal exercise. The best prediction was found if maximal heart rate, submaximal heart rate, resting heart rate, submaximal work load, and body weight were used.