Experiments were made to treat cutaneous phenomena of phase I, II, and HI of 7 patients suffering from mycosis fungoides by painting the skin with distilled aqueous solution (8 mg 3-5-7 ml dilution) of nitrogen mustard (methyldi-chloraethylaminohydrochloricum). The paintings were always carried out with a fresh solution by cotton tampon for 1-2 minutes. The erythema of phase I and the infiltrated ones of phase II as well as the ulcerated ones of III disappeared following single or double paintings in every case. The large non-ulcerated tumors of phase III proved to be unfit for this treatment. The sole difficulty of the treatment was met with the phenomena of hyper sensitivity (appearance of urticaria, fever, indisposition) sooner or later following the serial paintings. The beneficial effect of the treatment can be compared only with the result of X-ray treatment. The combination with X-ray seems to be very advantageous, though it may be combined with other drugs too.

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