Peripheral Posterior Segment Inflammation, Vitreous Opacities, and Edema of the Posterior Pole

The classic features of the nongranulomatous and granulomatous types of uveitis and the atypical "mixed forms" of the disease are generally recognized. Notable advances in the study of the etiology of uveitis have been made in the last two decades. Woods1 has approached the problem of uveitis through an etiologic classification based on the subjective and objective symptomatology and the results of a systematic medical survey. On the other hand, Hogan2,3 and his group encountered the atypical or mixed type of case so frequently that they have presented a classification of uveitis based on the intensity of various signs and symptoms rather than on a differentiation of the disease into granulomatous, non-granulomatous, or mixed type. The clinical observations of objective symptomatology on which such classifications are based are limited by the ophthalmic instruments available for diagnosis. While the slit lamp permits careful examination of the anterior segment and