Dynamic 3D MR angiography of the pulmonary arteries in under four seconds

Although 3D MRA has been shown to provide excellent depiction of the pulmonary arterial tree, its clinical use has been limited due to lengthy breath‐holding requirements. Employing the newest gradient generation (1.5 T MR system, amplitude of 40 mT/m and a slew rate of 200 mT/m/msec), we evaluated a technique permitting the dynamic acquisition of 3D data sets of the entire pulmonary tree in under 4 seconds. Coronal image sets were collected using a repetition time of 1.64 msec and an echo time of 0.6 msec, resulting in an acquisition time of 3.74 seconds. Three volunteers and eight dyspneic patients with known or suspected pulmonary embolism underwent MRI of the pulmonary arteries. The pulmonary arterial tree was visible to a subsegmental level in all examined subjects. Regarding the presence of pulmonary emboli in four patients, there was complete concordance between MR angiographic findings and those of corroborative studies. We conclude that diagnostic MRA of the pulmonary vasculature can be obtained even in patients with severe respiratory distress. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2001;13:372–377.