We have attempted to measure the electric dipole moment μ of the low-energy excitations observed in glasses T<1 K. We have attacked the problem in two different ways by measuring (i) the temperature dependence of the dielectric constant of amorphous GeO2 and poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) (0.06<T<0.3K), and (ii) the electric field dependence of the thermal conductivity of amorphous SiO2 (E105 V/cm; T0.5 K). In each case we obtained a null result. We used the tunneling model proposed by Phillips and Anderson et al. to establish upper limits on μ in these glasses. A variety of free parameters are embedded in their model, and we show how the calculated limits depend on the assumptions made about these parameters. Recent dielectric measurements on SiO2 by Schickfus et al. show that the tunneling systems's potential wells are approximately symmetric. Assuming that is also true for the GeO2 and PMMA systems, we are able to set upper limits on μ of 0.15 and 0.11 D, respectively. In reconciling our thermal-conductivity measurements with the μ measured by Schickfus et al., we can also conclude that the distribution in energy Δ of these tunneling systems must be nearly uniform (within 6%) over the range 1<ΔkB<3 K.