Acute Aseptic Myocarditis and Meningoencephalitis in the Newborn Child Infected with Coxsackie Virus Group B, Type 3

THIS paper presents evidence for intra-uterine infection with a Coxsackie virus Group B, Type 3, in an infant in whom acute myocarditis and meningoencephalitis developed. The infant was delivered by cesarean section and died seven days later. The virus was recovered post mortem from the thoracic spinal cord. The clinical history, along with pertinent pathological and virologic findings, is presented, with a discussion of their significance.Case ReportThe patient's mother, a 37-year-old para III, gravida IV, was well until the 38th week of pregnancy, when an upper respiratory infection characterized by coryza, sneezing and malaise developed. The temperature was . . .

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