Correction-to-scaling exponents and amplitudes for the correlation length of linear polymers in two dimensions

The authors consider the scaling behavior of the radius of gyration for a system of dilute linear polymers. They focus on rho N, the mean-square end-to-end distance of an N-step self-avoiding walk for which an additional two terms were recently calculated for the close-packed triangular lattice. Combining several extrapolation methods, they find that a consistent description of the scaling behaviour exists if and only if the correction-to-scaling exponent Delta is roughly half as large as commonly believed. They conclude that all data are consistent with the equation rho N=AN2 nu (1+B/NDelta +C/N) where nu =3/4, Delta equivalent to 2/3, A equivalent to 1/ square root 2, AB equivalent to 0.21 and C-1.