It is thought that anomalies of sweat secretion and of elimination of water vapor throughthe skin are partially responsible for the pathogenesis of the atopic syndrome. The authors used the contact perspirogram which allows the clear separation of the sensible perspiration (transpiration) and the insensible perspiration (elimination of water vapor). They studied the topography of the excretion of liquids by the skin and have drawn the following conclusions from these experiments: (1) In neurodermatitis the threshold of thermal, sensory, and psychic sweating is lowered at the site of lesions presenting typical lichenification. A sensation of itching can be caused by an increase in the process of sweating. (2) Atopic skin manifestations of the type of pityriasis alba (autosensitization process) apparently have only a marked increase in the elimination of water vapor (insensible perspiration). However, after ablation of the upper layers of the stratum disjunctum, marked secretion can be seen at the pores of the sweat glands. The demonstration of insensible perspiration can be brought about more easily by absorption of the sweat in the upper layers of the stratum corneum.

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