Time-course effects of protein malnutrition on hepatic fatty acids Δ6 and Δ5 desaturation in the growing rat

1. In growing rats, the time-course effects of giving a normal-protein diet (200 g casein/kg; NP) for 52 d, a low-protein diet (20 g casein/kg; LP) for 52 d and a LP diet for 26 d followed by balanced refeeding (200 g casein/kg; BR) for 26 d, on the fatty acid composition of liver total lipids and microsomal phospholipids were investigated together with Δ6- and Δ5-microsomal desaturase activities.2. The oleic acid content (mg/g tissue) of liver total lipids increased progressively with the LP diet, while linoleic acid was increased only at days 7 and 52. 20:3ω6, 20:4ω6, 22:5ω6 and 22:6ω3 fatty acids decreased during the period on the LP diet. BR for 7 d was sufficient to restore the fatty acid composition of total lipids to control values. Changes in the fatty acid composition of liver microsomal L-α-phosphatidylcholines were observed only after 52 d on the LP diet; the proportions (% w/w total fatty acids) of 18:0, 20:3ω6 and 20:4ω6 fatty acids decreased while oleic acid increased. The fatty acid composition of L-α-phosphatidylethanolamines was less affected.3. Δ6- and Δ5-desaturase activities decreased to 20–30% of their original values after 2 d on the LP diet; a smaller deficit prevailed after 14 d but disappeared after 25 d, to appear again after 52 d. As early as day 2 of BR, desaturase activities were greatly recovered and returned to control values at day 13.4. The present work shows that modifications in microsomal Δ6- and Δ5-desaturase activities are not strictly paralleled by the changes in the composition of fatty acids of liver total lipids and microsomal phospholipids.