Microwave amplifier manufacturing with advanced thin-film MIC and elementary MMIC technology

New thin-film MIC (microwave integrated circuit) processes, a coined carrier, and elementary monolithic MIC devices are applied to construct amplifier modules with only five parts. Costs are significantly reduced while maintaining performance and insertion equivalence with conventional circuits. The proposed approach allows the designer the option of partitioning passive circuitry between alumina substrate and GaAs media, with the thin-film processes of each exhibiting several similarities. The elemental MMICs (monolithic MICs) described have the advantage of being generic with wide application. A reduction in parts count to 1/3 of that for conventional MIC modules with similar functions was achieved. Custom applications are made less costly by use of the MIC circuits, particularly for small or moderate quantities. This results in an attractive alternative to classic MIC and pure MMIC approaches.

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