A complete ab initio approximate Hartree-Fock calculation has been carried out on the Mn2 molecule at three internuclear distances, R=4.5, 5.0, and 5.5 a0. The theory of the Heisenberg exchange interaction, applied in an earlier paper to the nitrogen molecule at large R, is used to identify the Hartree-Fock configuration of lowest energy and to evaluate the effective exchange integral J. The Hartree-Fock energy has a minimum value with respect to separated atoms in a Σg+9 state. The exchange integral is small but negative, so a Σg+1 state of complex structure lies below this. The energy of this Σg+1 state has a minimum value of -0.79 eV, with respect to separated atoms, at R=2.88 Å, neglecting the part of the net molecular correlation energy that is independent of spin. These two states are members of a closely spaced set with total spin S=0, 1, 2, 3, 4 coming from the coupling of spins S=2 on each atom. The last occupied σ orbital is of molecular form (bonding molecular orbital, doubly occupied) while the last π and δ orbitals are localized and singly occupied. The existence of localized spin-coupled orbitals at equilibrium R is very unusual for diatomic molecules, and this is the distinctive property of magnetic materials expected in the present theory.