Following data give the dosage in r-units and the % of x-chromosome lethals determined by C1B method: control = 0.50 [plus or minus] 0.24; 304 = 1.67 [plus or minus] 0.39; 637 = 5.19 [plus or minus] 0.68; 1215 = 8.28 [plus or minus] 1.05; 2181 = 11.47 [plus or minus] 1.07; 3038= 14.41 [plus or minus]2.18. The following give the r-units and the average number of offspring per fertile o- control [long dash]112.00 [plus or minus]5.04; 608=87.75 4.39; 1215 = 77.95 [plus or minus]3.17; 1823 = 38.74 [plus or minus]2.60; 2127 = 25.62 [plus or minus] 1.76; 2430 = 27.45 [plus or minus] 1.64; 2734 = 28.46 [plus or minus]1.45; 3038=15.44 [plus or minus] 0.87.

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