Skull Base Expansion

In order to determine what effect the anterior cranial base has on the developing craniofacial skeleton, mechanical expansion of the growth of one segment of the anterior cranial base was performed. New Zealand white rabbits were used for this study. A sham-treated group (n = 16) underwent implantation of dental amalgam markers to either side of the frontonasal, coronal, and lambdoid sutures at 9 days of age to serve as markers of vault growth. The experimental group (n = 7) underwent the same marker placement at 9 days of age, but, in addition, at 30 days of age these animals underwent placement of a mechanical spring, unilaterally, at the frontosphenoid suture. A second control group (n = 8) underwent the same exposure of the frontosphenoid suture, but the spring was laid only on the surface of the bone. All animals were followed by radiographic cephalometry at 9, 30, 60, and 90 days of age. The experimental group demonstrated statistically significant expansion of the cranial base and ipsilateral coronal suture. The midface skeletal dimensions were unchanged by spring distraction of the cranial base. These findings indicate that cranial base sutural growth can be manipulated mechanically and that growth changes can be attained secondarily in the cranial vault skeleton.